
椭球面聚焦型镜像塑料闪烁探测器及其应用 被引量:2

The Use of Ellipsoidal Mirror Detector With Plastic Scintillator Foil
摘要 本文描述了一种椭球面聚焦型镜像塑料闪烁体时间探测器。经过仔细处理其细节问题,对25 MeV/u^(40)Ar和2.06 mg/cm^2厚的 NE102A 薄膜。包括光产生、收集及光电管在内的系统的本征时间分辨约为140ps,好于国际上同类结果。用蒙特卡罗方法模拟实验过程。结果与实验基本相符。 An ellipsoidal mirror detector with plastic scintillator foil has been developed.An intrinsic time resolu- tion of about 140 ps is deduced for 25 MeV/u ^(40)Ar ions passing through 2.06 mg/cm^2 NE102 foil.Detection efficiency and light collection has investigated.The result of Monte Carlo methods is basically in agreement with the experimental one.
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第5期270-274,共5页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 塑料闪烁体 椭球面聚焦 定时探测器 蒙特卡罗方法 Plastic scintillator Ellipsoidal focus Timing detector Monte Carlo methods
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