The pnrpose of the study reported here was to investigate whether there were some of close relatlonship between the characterisics of irradiation and local failures in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). This study showed that the average overall treatment time of irradiation in these patients with locnl failure was 60. 1±9. 6 days (range 47~89 days) . which was much longer than the time planned. This appearance was consitent with the theory that a significant Ioss of local control was observed with prolongation in radiotherapy, because rapidly proliferating turnor underwent consfderahle clonogen repopulation during a lengthy course of irradiation. Accoding to CT fin dings it was found that local failures at the superior aspect, the posterior aspect. and the anterior aspect of the nasopharynx accounted for 60 %. 23% and 13 % respectively. This Phenomenon indicated that radiotherilpists should pay more attention to avoiding underdosage and geographic miss of the lesions at the level of the skull bilse as well as the poststyloid space. lastly, that the median times from irradiation to expression of local failures for T1. T2, T3,and T4 lesions of NPC were 38. 27, 12and 9. 5 months respeetively. was found,and their relationstip was dicussed preliminarily.
Journal of Chinese Oncology
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Local failure