用青枯病原(Psendomonas solanaceaum)、西瓜萎蔫病原(Pusarium niveum)和软腐病原(Erwine sp.)作为指示病原物菌种,接种于葡萄糖-脉-酵母粉培养基.接种点与桂植捕线菌(CN.7)的距离分别为1.6、4.2,2.3、4.5,1.8、5.0cm。结果表明,CN.7有抑制病原物菌生长的作用,距离越近.效果越明显,CN.7代射产物中可能含有抗生素。为了解CN.7与土壤肥分、同工酶的关系,设置3个处理:(1)CN.7与等体积的有机肥混合,沤制25d;(2)CN.7与等体积的有机肥混合,不沤制;(3)CN.7培养基(无菌种)与等体积的有机肥混合,不沤制(对照),用烟草进行盆栽试验,结果表明,3个处理对土壤肥分的利用率和土壤肥分的可吸收态的变化的影响均无规律可寻,表明CN.7施用后,既不能提高寄主植物对肥分的吸收率,也不能促进肥分不可利用态变成水溶态。叶片同工酶活性分析结果表明,处理(1)可提高寄主体细胞中酯酶同工酶、过氧化物同工酶的活性和酶谱带数;不同处理,过氧化氢酶同工酶和淀粉酶同工酶的活住或酶谱带数均明显变化。
Psendomonas solanaceaum, Fusarium niveum and Euwine sp., as indicating pathogenes, were inoculated in the medium Of glucose - peptone yeast powder in the distances of 1. 6, 4. 2, 2. 3. 4. 5,1. 8. 5. 0 cm to Gui- Zhi -- CN. 7 (CN. 7) respectively. The results showed that CN. 7 can inhibit the growth of the given pathogenes, and the more closely, the more efficient, indicating that maybe there are antibiotic in the metarbolite of CN. 7. For making sure the relations of CN. 7 with soil nutrient and isozymes, pot - plant trial was conducted with tobacco in three treatments (1 ) miking CN. 7 and cow - bung in same volume with fermenting 25 daysl (2) mixing CN. 7 and cow - bung in same volume without fermenting ; (3) mixing CN. 7 medium (no CN. 7) and cow - bung in same valome without fermenting (as control). The results showed that the impacts of CN. 7 on both the utilization rate of soil nutrient and the change of absorbable state of soil nutrient were not characteristic, and indicating that CN. 7 could neither raise the absorptivity of soil nutrient of host plant, nor make the change of the nutrient from un - utilizable to absorbable. The activities. Of isocymes from leaves were tested, andshowed that treatment(1 ) can enhance the activities of eastue and perokidase isozymes and increase the number of enzymes bands, while those of hydrogen peroaidase and amylase in three treatments not changed abviously.
Guangxi Sciences
Gui- Zhi - CN. 7, carnivorous fungus, antibiotic, soil nutrient, isozyme