8902s与安农s-1杂交,每个F_2个体被一分为四。在按长日/高、低温与短日/高、低温设置的人工气候箱里栽培,考察分株苗育性、个体的光周期效应和温度效应。结果表明:①育性分布随所用育性指标而截然不同。82%的个体育性程度不同地随光周期条件变化,光周期效应值大于10%;有近半数的个体在某种条件下小穗完全不育,其中1/3花粉也完全败育;有6.5%的个体在4种环境中花粉和小穗都不育。②约1%属光敏类型个体,在两种温度下以花粉或小穗不育率为指标的光周期效应值分别大于30%或10%,而且光周期效应大于温度效应。 据作者推算,对这种F_2群体来说,长日照下在较宽温度区间表现稳定雄性不育并有较强光敏特性个体的频率不大于0.07%。
Each single plant of 8902s, Annong s- 1 and their F2 offsprings was divided into 4 tillering plants, which were respectively cultivated in different phytotrons with LD(15hr.)/ 28.4℃ or 23.5℃ and SD ( 10hr. ) / 28.4℃ or 23.5℃ conditions. Their photoperiod effect (PE) and temperature effect (TE) values were calculated from the fertility of tillering plants. The results indicated: (1) The distributions of the fertility are completely different with the pollen or spikelet fertility index. Among 82% of F2 plants have their conversions of fertility conditioned by photoperiod, their PE values are larger than 10%; 48% show sterile spikelets and one third of them also have their completely sterile pollens under a certain condition; 6.5% revealed sterile with two fertility index under all 4 conditions. (2) About 1% of F2 plants have their PE values which were larger than 30% or 10% with pollen or spikelet fertility index respectively and larger than TE under two temperature conditions. They belong to plants with a fertility convertible and susceptible to photoperiods. Authors deduced that the frequence of photosensitive male sterile plants with stable male sterility under LD condition with a temperature range of 23.5 - 28.4 ℃ should be not larger than 0.07% in this F2 population.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
Indica rice Male sterility Photoperiod effect Temperature effect