The chief aim of this technique was to prevent intra-arterially instilled drugs from flowing out of the pelvis in regional chemotherapy for advanced pelvic cancers. According to the original report of Hiraoka, et al, it was emphasized that 'in fact,visval,histologic and cytologic evidence of local malignancy could be eradicated by simple pelvic vascular bed isolation chemotherapy (PVBICT)'. They believed that PVBICT should be used for managing advanced radioresistant pelvic cancer as long as the tumor invasion strictly confined to the pelvic cavilty.Since 1981 to 1983, lhe modified technique of Hiraoka had been used in 18 cases of advanced cervical cancers with favorable short-term results except one died of liver lesion. The cancerocidal drugs used were cDDP, MMC, 5-FU and CTX either as a single agent or in combination. In this paper, a preliminary evaluation of PVBICT is provided based upon post-treatment macroscopical,cytological, pathohistological as well as ultramicroscopical examinations.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology