AbstractThe biological effects were compared on Lewis lung carcinoma and normaI tissue in mice be-tween hyperfractionated(HF)and conventional fractionated radiation(CF). HF was used twicedaily(interval≥10 hrs),2.0-5. 5 Gy per fraction , and CF once daily,3.5-8. 0 Gy per fraction.The duration of radiotherapy was 8 days in both groups, Leg contracture(LC)of mice served asan end point for late response in normal tissue。 LCD50 was definied as the radiation dose requiredfor 5 mm of leg contracture in 50%of the hind legs of the mice measured at the 70th day after ir-radiation。 LCD50 for HF was 59. 0 Gy and CF, 54. 0 Gy, Specific tumour growth delay(STGD)was taken as an end point for Lewis lung carcinoma。 ED was defined as the radiation dose re-quired for STGD, equal to 3. 14 in two group animals.ED for HF was 42. 75 Gy and CF,44 Gy,Itis concluded that hyperfractionation as compared with conventional radiation can enhanced thera-peutic gain for 12.5%.
Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology