AbstractChangsha TNM staging system was analyzed to evaluate its clinical value basi-ng on 1101 NPC patients' patient' treated by radiotherapy in our hospital from1975 to 1980. The results showed that the Changsha system could reflect the trea-tment result with the 5-year survival rates of 82%in stage Ⅰ, 63.4%for stage Ⅱ,52.3%in stage Ⅲ and 33.7%in stage Ⅳ. The author suggests to modify somepoints as follows: 1. primary cancer is limited inside the nasopharynx as T1, prima-ry cancer involving tissue outside nasopharynx as T2, cranial nerve involved asT3 and destruction of base of skull as T4 ; 2.Stagewshould be divided into twogroups一T4N0一3M0 or T0一4N3M0 as stage Ⅳa and M1 as stageⅣb,respectively.
Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology