AbstractThe influence factors of prognosis on synoviosarcoma treated by various me-thods was analyzed.The 3-and 5-year survival rates were 52%and 42%in post-operative radiotherapy plus surgery group, and 42%and 25.8%in surgery alonegroup(p>0.05). Local recurrence rates were 12.8%and 68.8%in the above twogroups(p<0.01). The patient' s age vias closely related to prognosis with the 3-and 5-year suvival rates of 58.7%and 41.3%in the group of aged 30-65, and 34.4%and 28.6%in aged 10-29 group.45.8%patients died of distant metastasis. Delayof treatment, improper aspiration or excision biopsy and repeated surgery for recu-rrence are prone to distant metastasis. 9 of 3 1 patients with lung metastasis diedwithin one year despite different chemotherapy regiments.
Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology