Although a lot of researches have been focused on visceral pain, up to now, the central pathway of visceral pain is still nuclear. In our paper, after stimulating the rats' great spanchnicnerve, the expression of Fos was examined by using Fos immunohistochemical technique.Obvious Fos expression was shown in the following structures: nucleus lateralis septi, nucleus tractus diagonalis, nucleus,paraventricularis (hypothalami), nucleus rapbe dorsalis,locus coeru lens, nucleus raphe moguus nucleus reticularis lateralis, laminae Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅴ, Ⅹof the spinal cord. little expression was observed in the structures mintioned above. It issuggested that the paraventricularis structures from the central canal of the spinal cord to theventricularis system are related to visceral nociception. This leads us to further research.
Chinese Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry