Students from four different departments of the Beijing Institute of Physical Education, and the Beijing Forestry College,provided the subject pool(N=427) for this investigation. According to department requirements,the four groups of students were exposed to different proportions of practical sports and theory. The subjects were tested with 16PF at the begining of a two-year course,and again at the end of the course. The results showed that 1) several factors of subjects' personality indifferent groups changed positively but one factor (Ql:experimentation) changed negatively, which indicates that educators should endeavour to foster students' exploratory orientation. 2)Different proportions of sports and theory curriculum only revealed differences in subjects' factorL(suspectation), which suggests that different study activities may differentially in fluence students' personality but thesenfluences are restricted to one or two factors,indicating that the range of influence is not wide.
Sports Research and Education