The dustywings neuropterous insects a-e rich in Guangxi, in this paper,3 genera and 15 species of the subfamily Coniopteryginae have been studied, except that the Conwentzia fraternalis Yang was original described from Guangxi in 1974;2 species,Semidalis aleytodiformis(Stephens)and S.unicornis Meinander, are new to Guangxi,the other 12 species all are new to science and noted as the following list. all of 9 species of genus coniopteryx,are belong to the subgenus Coniopleryx and omit the subgeneric names in the new aha.The type specimens are kept in the Insect Collections of Beijing Agricultural University.Semofalis bipeojecta Yang et Liu,sp.n.(Fig.3 A--C)It is s ̄r to S.ancforoofes Yang et Liu,but outer prOCess of ectoproctS digit--shaped,andhypandrium in caudsl view with a Pair of lateral processus.Holotype t, allotype 4, Guangh: Longzhou, 1982-- 05--20.Sereofalis daqiugshana Liu et Yang,sp.n.(Fig.4)It is 8 ̄r to S.uniereuis Meinander,But the two dorsal hoods of Parameres are in diferent Shapes,the anterior forwords directed,and twice as long as the posterior.Holotype t,DaqingSh&n,tongrhou,Guangh,1963--05--14.Semofalis rectaugaia Yang et tri,sp.n.(Fig.5)A distinCt speCies.ItS parameres bend up veniCally,Which pert is long and slender.Holotype t, D8qingShsn, tongzhou, Guangh.,1963--05-- 15.Coniopleryx alijera Yang et liu,SP.n.(Fig.7 A--D)A distinCt SpeCial. It can be early distinguished by prc ie ̄alis and processus theralis Ofhypondrium not being on the same Plane, and in the ventral view the processus terlninaliS protrUdinglike ears.Holotype t, Guangh: Pintwng, 1963-- 05-- 11.CoNtopeyx bispeis Yak et tin, SP. n. (Fis. 8 A--E)A distinCt s ̄ with tWo long SPines in the face and second flageds segmens Of male antonnae.HOIOtype t, alloied' peratypes 1 t 54 4, Yunnan: Jinghong, 1981--04--091 Paratw3 t t, Yunnan: Rad, 1981--05-- 02; and paratype I t, Guangh: LongSheng, 1982--06--25.C ̄peyZ the ̄is Liu et Yang, sp. n- (Fig. 9 A--E)It is s ̄ tO C. (C. ) edqun Withycombe, but with a V--shaped m ̄ apical incision, aam alongitUdinal apodeme betWeen the anterior margin of hmndrium and the medal apiaal inchon.Holotype t, Paratypel t, Daqin ̄, LongZhou. GUangal, 1963--co--15.Contoplergz g ̄osa Yang et liu, sp.n.(Fis.10 A--E)A extinct speCial with a few processus on the 7th-- 13th ftageusr segments of male antannae,among them, the firSt is longeSt, like a SPine, the second is Shorter,and the Others are shortal.Ho1Otype 2, aUo ̄l, poratypes * t 4 l, D8qingSbo, LongZhou, Guangal,1964--0514; peratypeS 1 t 44 4,Gusngh: Pingxjang,1963--05-- 12; 1 t, Hainan: Jtanfenghg, 1974 ̄07--18.Confopeyz ponqzinna ho et Yang,sp.n.(Fis. 11 A ̄D)It,s 8 ̄ tO C.(C. ) ̄a (Banks), but different in medal apical incision of h ̄driWh UShaped, deeper than bred, and with a process on its bottom.HOlotype*,alloWI,GUangh= Thalin, 1982 ̄ 05-29.Coufopleryz mifappa ̄is tin et Yang,SP. n. (Fis, 12 A--D)The h ̄dhaln Of male genitalia with deep U-shaod m ̄ apical incision, allied tO the aboveSpecier, but  ̄rs by the Peculiar porameres as show in the fiswe.HOlotypel, allotypel, G ̄:  ̄, 1963-05-07.Confopleryz,rm'iNqana liu et Yang, sp.n.(Fis. 13 A--D)The ̄genitals is ̄tO C.(C.)forapea ̄ Liu et Yang, but the Paralneres of acgenitalia without Yentrai pmsHOloopt,alloied' Paraty'Pe 14, GUangh3 NanAng, 1982--05--25.Con ̄yz Naedri Yang et tri, W. n. (Fis.14 A--D)A diStinCt specs.Its hypandriWh tWice as broad as high, and its pr ̄ ie ̄alis are Slendetac SharP,jUSt like tWo PeakS.Holotype t,alloopl, Urinan: Jinghong, 1981 ̄ 04 ̄ 15, lira ̄ 2 t t'YUnnan: Rad,1981--05--053 1 t 44 4, Guangh: ̄,1963--05--06.Cbopeyz u ̄ ho et Yang, SP. n. (Fis. 15 A ̄D)It is allied tO C. hi ho et Yang, but with a lOng spine on the tnjddie po Of male antennae, anda V-shaped ̄apiaal inCision on hypandrium.HOIOtype *,alloied, ParstypeS 4t t, DaqingShan, Longzhou, G ̄,1963-05-14.
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences
new species