Chemical characteristics of the coastal sea off Tianheng Island were investigated from May 1990 toFebruary 1991 in this study which included distribution pattern,seasonal variability and the controlling fac-tors of oxygen,pH,nutrients.The rich nutrient salt content is suited for phytoplankton growth andmariculture.The coastal sea waters is of good quality based on the national standard of seawater qual-ity in terms of pH,oxygen,and nutrients,the main controlling factors for which in the investigated seaarea are hydrographic(salinity,temperature,river runoff,etc.),biological(photosynthesis of plankton),andanthrogenic(fertilizing in the nearby land and sea).
Chemical characteristics of the coastal sea off Tianheng Island were investigated from May 1990 to February 1991 in this study which included distribution pattern, seasonal variability and the controlling factors of oxygen, pH, nutrients. The rich nutrient salt content is suited for phytoplankton growth and mariculture. The coastal sea waters is of good quality based on the national standard of seawater quality in terms of pH, oxygen, and nutrients, the main controlling factors for which in the investigated sea area are hydrographic (salinity, temperature, river runoff, etc.), biological (photosynthesis of plankton), and anthrogenic (fertilizing in the nearby land and sea).