设备陈旧、老化、技术力量薄弱,产品单一化,这是长期以来困扰长春色织布总厂的一个老问题;而银根紧缩,市场疲软犹如雪上加霜,使该厂形势更为严峻。年均亏损已达250万元左右,企业濒临倒闭的边缘。出路在于改革,回答是非常肯定的。但怎么改革,却是解决问题的症结。既然是市场经济,就应该从市场中去找出路。经过一段时间的思索和总结,又经过一番市场考查和探索,该厂开始了向市场经济的迈步。1991年,他们根据当地汽车工业发达的优势,抓住第一汽车制造总厂三次企业腾飞的有利时机,在当地银行的支持下,大力进行企业内部的技术改造,开始为"一汽"轿车国产化配套。他们投入了年产100万米轿车内饰面料生产线更新改造项目,引进了30台九十年代先进的意大利 FASTZ、O 型剑杆织机。自1992年7月实施此技改项目以来,进展顺利,现不仅配套工程已全部竣工,而且完成了全套引进设备及国内设备的运输、安装、调试工作,并且已成功地投入运行。伴随此技改项目的投产,该厂生产效益提高五倍以上;质量水平亦由原来的70%提高到98%以上;花色品种不断翻新;座椅面料质量优异,供不应求。奥迪、捷达轿车座椅面料获"
Established in 1925,Changchun General Yarn-dyed Fabric Mill is an old enterprise with a history of more than 60 years.Now it has a staff of 1889 including 148 scientific and technical personnel and covers an area of 42,000 square meters.It has 180 weaving looms including 31 Italian FAST2.0 looms,10 domestically-built universal GA743 looms and 139 domestically-built'1515-75'looms.It has a complete dyeing productive line with its major products of motor's decorations,varied kinds of yarn-dyed fabrics,var- ied kinds of cotton,yarn,chemical fibre or blend fabrics and so on.Its annual output could amount to 5 million meters.The products are well marketed to all over our country and far exported to countries and regions such as Japan,Korea,Sin- gapore,West Europe,Hongkong and Macao,etc.