素有"鹿城"之称的昆山市玉山镇,迄今已有二千四百多年的历史,相传为春秋时代吴王豢养鹿群狩猎之地。但千百年来,却未得到有效的开发,玉山就静静地躺在那儿,宛如一块未经雕琢的浑玉,等待着人们去雕琢。它终于等来了这个时代——对外开放的时代!自从1985年经江苏省人民政府批准为长江三角洲对外开放的城镇以来,玉山镇坚持以经济建设为中心,充分发挥本地地理位置的优越性,即东临上海,西靠苏州的优势:充分发挥自身典型"江南鱼米之乡"自然资源的丰富性,大力发展市场经济,社会经济面貌发生了深刻的变化。1992年,全镇国民生产总值3.2亿元,国民收入2 8亿元,工农业总产值13亿元,实现利税5000多万元,全社会出口商品交货额1.3亿元。
The city of Kunshan lies in the southwest of Jiangsu and between Shanghai and Suzhou.It has warm and damp climate in the south of north subtropical zone,with clearly-cut seasons,adequate sunshine,plentiful rainfall,long frost-free period,and warm climate,yearly temperature averaging 15.3 c. Kunshan,located in the Tai Lake Plain in the Yangtze River Delta,adjoining Yangchen Lake to the west and Dianshan Lake to the south,has smooth terrain and densely covered rivers.Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway,Shangai-Nanjing Railway,Suzhou-Shanghai Highway and Xi(Wuxi)suliu Highway running across its terriory,town and village highways forming a crisscross network,Kunshan enjoys convenient water and land communications. Kushan town,situated in the center of the city is the location of Kunshan CTC Committee and Municipal People's Government.It's the center politics,economy,culture,science and technology,traffic, communication,medical treatment and health in Kunshan,named after Mt.Ma an(Yufeng or Mt.Yu)in its territory.It covers an area of 73.47 sqkm,11 km from west to east and 9.5km from south to north,with 60,000 mu arable land and 20,000 mu waters.It has jurisdiction over 36 administrative villages,7 neiqhborhood committees,with a population of 1.08 million. With the biggest area and largest pupulation in Kunshan,it's also one of the 100 star towns of Jiangsu Province.In 1985,it was approved by Jiangsu Provincial People's Government as a key ope town in the Yangtze River Delta.