"天府甜城"内江市,素以出能工巧匠而闻名,至隋朝以来,摩崖石刻造型充盈这片土地,唐代更塑造佛像逾10万尊,其中一尊侧身翅脚风仪万端的紫竹观音甚至被誉为"东方维纳斯",足见其精美。内江人的这种心灵手巧、天工神艺也在机床工业的精湛工艺中体现出来。内江机床厂作为机械部重点企业、四川省优秀企业、国家二级计量单位和四川省全面质量管理上等级企业。自改革开放以来,根据国家发展汽车工业的产业政策和市场之需,凭着自身雄厚的实力,先后开发生产出了适用于单件小批量齿轮生产厂使用的 YB 235 OA 型直齿轮刨齿机;适用于中批量齿轮生产厂家使用的高效率 YE 2725型双刀盘铣齿机;YB 2815型半自动、YZ 2815型全自动双头直齿锥齿轮拉齿机则是大批量生产汽车和汽车齿轮生产厂家最理想的制齿设备。同时,厂里还开发生产出 D 8550型电火花跑合机床、YB 2550型矶齿机等一大批高效率、高质量、高精度、高附加值产品。产品远销30多个国家和地区,是我国唯一能提供成套直齿锥齿轮加工主、辅机床的厂家。
Neijiang Machine Tool Plant is a major enterprise under the Ministry of Mechanic Industry,the superior enterprise in Sichuan Province,the national grade two measurement unit and the graded enterprise with com- prehensive quality control in Sichuan Province. The plant has strength scientific research capaci- ty,healthy quality guarantee system and good after- the-sale service.It mainly provides three catalogue of products such as complete set of straight gear and ma- chine tool main unit and supplementary unit,leather- making machinery series and open pressure unit.The products are well marketed to 30 provinces,munici- palites and autonomous regions in our country and far exported to more than 30 countries and regions in the world.