:Consider the linear delay differential systems(E)/ y',(t) + a 11 J'1(t --Tll)+ a,,y,(t--T,,)~ 0' y',(l)+ aZI y I (l u T21 )+ a,,.v,(t -- T,,)= 0where the coefl'icients a ti are real numbers with a 11 a 22 --a 12a ZI # 0,and the delays Ti,arenonnegative real numbers. By using elementary techniq nes,we obtain the f'clllowing result.
Consider the linear delay differential systems(E)/ y',(t) + a 11 J'1(t --Tll)+ a,,y,(t--T,,)~ 0' y',(l)+ aZI y I (l u T21 )+ a,,.v,(t -- T,,)= 0where the coefl'icients a ti are real numbers with a 11 a 22 --a 12a ZI # 0,and the delays Ti,arenonnegative real numbers. By using elementary techniq nes,we obtain the f'clllowing result.