Clinical simulated experiment (CES) is an intermediate experiment inclinic with modern functional simulation. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has along histroy with an unique system or medical theory which has not been standardizedand can not be fully explained by modern natural sciences. CSE on the syndromic standards of pulmonary system diseases (CSEOTSSOPSD) was carried out by followingTCMI s theoretical system and by using modern systematic science and computer technolOgy. CSE is able to simulate clinical phenomena for syndromic standards according tothe requirement without any interruption. It could be done continuously. Therefore,CSE is a special clinical experiment by which manpower and material resources could beused efriclently and the research could be stimulated. The program of CSEOTSSSOPSDIs better than that of simple literature analysis. And its success indicates that the program or TCM's huge systematic syndromic standards and experts' system could be bothprocessed by one microcomputer. it is very beneficial to clinical practice and easy to bespread out. It will greatly stimulate the modernization of TCM.