本文对陕西省周至县及青海省乐都县在1990年1月1日至1992年12月31日所有死亡孕产妇进行了1:1配对病例对照研究,探讨了影响孕产妇死亡的有关因素,其中包括生物、环境、卫生服务等因素。结果提示孕产妇本人有文化和孕产妇本人有经济收入对于减少孕产妇死亡有一定保护性意义,重男轻女的生育心理 、无计划生育指标、认为在家分娩好、非头位分娩和胎盘非自然也出则是孕产妇死亡的危险因素。经过多因素Logistic回归分析,共有4个因素进入方程。通过死因顺位,发现造成孕产妇死亡的首位原因是产后出血、其次是妊高征和内科合并症。
In order to study the risk factors associated with pregnant and lying -in women' s death ,a 1 : 1 case-control study was conducted in Zhouzhi county of Shaanxi provence and Ledou county of Qinghai provence, from Jan. 1990 to Dec. 1992. The authors analyzed the data in biological factors ,socioeconomic status ,health care factors and others by using odds ratio,pair x2 test and logistic regression. Results indicated that protective factors relating to pregnant and lying-in women's death might be that pregnant women were literates and pregnant women herself had some wages. Results also showed that risk factors might be pregnant women prefering sons to girls,out of plan birth ,thinking family delivery better,nonhead labour,and abnormal delivery of placenta. It was also found that the death sequence was bleeding, pregnancy hypertension syn-drom and heart disease from the first to the third.
Chinese Primary Health Care