This paper deals with the photosynthetic properties of Eucalyptue camphoia. E. camaldulenaia. E. gunni-i. E. viminalia. E. giandia. E. dunii and E. maidenii. including the daily bariations of photosynthetic and respiratory rates, the comparison of the photosynthetic rates of various Eucalyriua spp. measured,the relationship between photo-synthetic rate and chlorophyll content, as well as the light saturation point.
This paper deals with the photosynthetic properties of Eucalyptue camphoia. E. camaldulenaia. E. gunni-i. E. viminalia. E. giandia. E. dunii and E. maidenii. including the daily bariations of photosynthetic and respiratory rates, the comparison of the photosynthetic rates of various Eucalyriua spp. measured,the relationship between photo-synthetic rate and chlorophyll content, as well as the light saturation point.
Non-wood Forest Research
Subsist by the National Natural Science foundation of China