In 18th century European arts were greatly influenced by eastern Asia while Asian soci-ety was also immersed in "Europeanixation" and affected by economic life of industrialworld.Therefore it came the worldwide exchange.The oriental arts were widely abserbedby the art of Rococo.The reasons lay in some similaritse between these two kinds of arts.The devclopment of Rococo was advanced by means of static observation and technique ofexpressions of mobile change of oriental arts. why has the style of Rococo been in vogueonce again these years? It is the reflection of deep social ideological trend.
In 18th century European arts were greatly influenced by eastern Asia while Asian society was also immersed in 'Europeanixation' and affected by economic life of industrial world. Therefore it came the worldwide exchange. The oriental arts were widely abserbed by the art of Rococo. The reasons lay in some similaritise between these two kinds of arts. The devclopment of Rococo was advanced by means of static observation and technique of expressions of mobile change of oriental arts, why has the style of Rococo been in vogue once again these years? It is the reflection of deep social ideological trend.
Journal of Soochow University Engineering Science Edition (Bimonthly)