In this paper,the reciprocal cross was made between octoploid triticale and common wheat.The characters of parents and F_1 plant are studied,and the somatiC chromosome of them are analysed by Giemsa C-banding.The result shows that somatic chromosome form has a direct bearing on the plant characters;Octoploid triticale chromosome number is unstable and there's on inclinnation of natural reduction.At the same time,the behaviour of meiosis in pollen mother cells of octoploid and F_1 plant is studied.One of chief reasons of why the seed setting is low and grain shrivel's is that the meiosis is irregular;Chromosome configuration in Metaphase Ⅰ is 21 Ⅱ+7 Ⅰin F_1 hybrids,the meiosis is fairly irregular.But all kinds of gametes can be produced through separation and recombination and from offspring we can select stable and high yields ofrecombination lines.The study on cytogenetics and characters of octoploid triticale and F_1 hybridsexert great influence on improving the harmful characters of octoploid triticale.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica