The gene expression of a-TNF in PBMC(peripheral blood mononuclearcells)from patients with aplastic anemia and in the spleen cells from BABL/C mice treated with 600 Rad60 Co-r nomoral controls was examined using Northem Blot and compared withnormal controls The results showed that a-TNF mRNA of PBMC in 32 of 7 aplastic anemia patients were undetectable ,and 2 of them expressed extremely low level from eight nor-mal individuals Moreover lower lower levels of the gene expression were detected in 9of 10 of the tre-ated Bablc mice (90%),compared with only 1 in 10 of normal controls (10) the results sug-gest that gene expression of a- tNF was lower in PBMC from patients with aplastic anemia(P<0.001).
Academic Journal of Guangdong College of Pharmacy