
广西蚱总科五新种记述(直翅目) 被引量:20

Five New Species of Tetrigoidea from Guangxi(Orthoptera)
摘要 记述广西蚱总科5新种,其中刺翼蚱科3新种.即龙州佯鳄蚱Paragavialidiumlongzhonensissp.nov.,广西刺翼蚱Scelimenaguangxiensissp.nov.及短背羊角蚱Criotettixbrachynotussp.nov.;蚱科2新种,即瘤脊蚱Tetrixtubercarinasp.nov.和广西拟后蚱Pseudepitettixguangxiensissp.nov. In the present paper,five new species of Tetrigoideaare described,type specimens are kept in the institute ofZoology, Shanxi Normal University.PaTagavtalofiam longzhouensis sp. nov. (Fial.I  ̄2)This new species is allied to ParagavndofiumcuTvispinum Zheng, but differs in: I)the width of vertexlarger than one eye about 1.3 times 1 2) finger-shaped Process triangular, very low; 3)lower margin of fore femurwith one tooth 1 4 )length of first tarsus louser than the second and thied together about 2 times: 5)size long and slender.length of body:4 15 mm; length of pronotum: I27 mml width of shoulders: 4 4 mml lensth of hind femur:1 7 mm.Holotype 4, Guangxi: Longzhou, 1985-08-02. collected by Zhou Zhihong.Scelimena guangxlersis sp. nov. (Figs. 3-4)This new species is allied to Scelimena mali Growther,bUt differs in: 1) in the middle of the fore edge of thePronO ̄ with an obtUse triangular Ptocere 1 2) at the foreedge Of the pronotum with a large thorn below the eyes I3) without a fair of short longitudinal ridges between thechouldetsl 4) the width of first segment of hind tarSus aswide as middle femur 1 5) hind femur and hind tibis blackthrown.length of they: * 12 mm 1 length of pronotum: *19 mm width of shoulders: 3 mm i length of hind femur: 7 mm.Holotype t, Guangxi: Shangsi, 1991-07-07. collected by Wang Zuyin.Cd ̄ ̄ ̄ heachgnotus sp. nov.(Figs. 5-6).This new species is allied to CrtoteUix robustes (Hancock), but differs in:1 ) the pOSterior angles of laterallobes of Ptonotum spinelikej 2 ) dorsum of pronotumsmooth, without rugose and tuberculose; 3) in the side ofmedian keel betWeen the shoulders with a fair short longitudinal ridgeSI 4) the firSt segment of hind tarsi longerthan the third about 1. 7 times.length of body: 1 13 mm; length of pronotum: I13 mm I width of shoulders: 1 3. 5 mm 1 length of hindfemur: 1 8. 5 mm.Holotype 4, Guansxi: Nanning, 1962-03-- 1 4.Tetrix tuhercarina sp. nov. (Figs. 7 ̄ 8)This new species is allied to Tetrix tueTki (Krauss),but differs from the latter in: I )the width of vertex largerthan the width of eye about ]. 9 times; 2) in profile, thefrond and vertex forming an obtuse angularity; 3) amennae ionS and slender, the length of middle segment largerthan itS width about 5 timest 4) median keel of pronotumwith 3 ̄ 4 tuberclest 5) with a fair of short longitudinalridges between the shoulders 1 6) the lower margin of antenor and middle femora with I  ̄2 lobes.Length of body: t 12 mm: length of pronotum: *l 0. 5 mm; length of hind femur: * 7 mm.Holotype t, Guangxi: Fangcheng, 230 m. 199107-- 18, collected by Jiang Zhenghui.Pseudepitettix guanqxicnsis sp. nov. (Figs. 9 ̄ I I )This new species is allied to Pcoudepitettis yunnanensisZheng. but differs from the latter in:I ) the width of vertex larger than one eye about 1. 9 times 1 2) in profile, thefrontal ridge and vertex forming an obtuse rounded 1 3)thetop of pronotum reaching 2/3 of hind femoral 4) top ofhind process of pronotum with a concavel 5) in profile,upper margin of pronotum nearly straighti 6) without apair of short longitudinal ridge between the shouldersl 7)size larger.Length of body: Z 1 1  ̄ [ I. 5 rnml 1 13 ̄ 1 4 mm.Length of pronotum: * 8. 5-9 mm 1 1 9. 7 ̄ 10mm.length of hind femur: * 7 mmi 1 6. 5-8 mm.Holotype t, allotype l, Guangxi:Shangsi, 400--500 m. 1 991-- 07--09. collected by Lu Wen; paratype1 t, 4 4 4, Guangxi:Shangri, 1991-07-09. collectedby Lu Wen, Jiang Zhenghui and Li Tianshan.
出处 《广西科学》 CAS 1994年第2期32-36,共5页 Guangxi Sciences
关键词 直翅目 蚱总科 刺翼蚱科 蚱科 新种 Orthoptera Tetrigoidea Scelimenidae, Tetrigidae, new species
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