本文报告应用低温生物学技术对小鼠脾淋巴细胞保存的研究。各种冻存方法中,以含10—15%DMSO 的冷冻保护液,以每分钟1℃降温速率从0℃降至-50℃,液氮(-196℃)储存效果最好,解冻复温后的脾淋巴细胞存活率>90%。连续观察冻存2个月以内的脾淋巴细胞其活性及功能无明显改变。
The cryopreservation of spleen lymphocytes in mice was studied by means of low temperature biological technique in this paper.The results showed that the preservation effects were at best with 10%-15% DMSO by freezing them gradually at 1℃ per minute fron 0℃ to -50℃ at the neck of liquid nitrogen tank foliowed by storing them in liguid phase (-196℃).The spleen lymphoeytes viability was 90% after thawing and rewarming. There was no change in lymphocytes activity and function within two months.
Heilongjiang Medicine and Pharmacy