引 言 由于近年来世界各国船厂之间的激烈竞争,远东及欧洲国家作了很大努力,通过提高生产率、减少建造时间来降低造船成本。 与六十年代造船发展情况相反,当时的主要进展离不开船厂设施的大量投资;当今的努力则在于通过较好地计划、较佳的信息和将建造工作合理分解为工作包来改进工作的组织。 为了寻求上述工作组织的改进,便引发了“生产工程”原理,它强调工程运作适应有效生产需要的必要性。
The requirements of engineering for production take a great amount of accurate,reliable and organized information to be provided in a very short time. This paper discusses how the CAD/ CAE/CAM System can meet these requirements.A particular case study corresponding to a Spanish yard is included to illustrate the successful application of the FORAN System to the production engineering.
Journal of Ship Design