Abstract The result shows: the ultra-weak luminescence, of different breed potato true seeds is different, ether air-dried or soaked seed, the higher the seed quality, the higher intensity of luminesecnce it gives; during the soaking process, the highest intensity of luminescence is gived in the 2 minutes after the seed have been dipped in water, then the luminescence intensity decrease gradually during the begining 12 soaking hours.When the seed is germinated for about 96 hours, the ulha-weak chemiluminescence intensity of the water extract from the smashed seed is inversely proportional to the number of years that the seeds have been stored. In the begining 96 germinating hours, the chemiluminescence intensity of the water extract from the seeds stored for 2 years increases gradually. But that from the seeds stored for 14 years changes little; and that from the seeds stored for 7 yearsincreases from after 72 germinating hours.
Chinese Potato Journal