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3Goldstein-Shirley David, “Race and Response: Toni Morrison's ‘Recitatif' ,” in Short Story (5: 1), 1997 Spring, pp. 77-86.
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5Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark : Whiteness and the Literary Imagination, Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1992. p. xi.
6Betty Fussell, "All That Jazz," in Taylor-Guthrie, Conversations with Toni Morrison, p. 283. Rpt. from Lear's 5.8 (1 October 1992): 68.
7Jones Bessie W. and Audrey Vinson, "An Interview with Toni Morrison," in Taylor-Guthrie, Conversations with Toni Morrison, p. 172, p. 179.
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