1 Introduction Let r be a natural number, P<sub>r</sub>(t)=(t-t<sub>j</sub>), t<sub>j</sub>∈R, j=1,…, r, and P<sub>r</sub>(D)(D=-d/(dt)) be the induced differential operator of P<sub>r</sub>(t). Let 1≤p, q, s≤∞. We introduce some new classes of smooth functions defined on R as follows: W<sub>pqs</sub>(P<sub>r</sub>)=:{f∈L<sub>S</sub>(R); f<sup>(r-1)</sup> is locally absolutely continuous on R and ‖P<sub>r</sub>(D)f‖<sub>pq</sub>≤1}. Here the norm ‖·‖<sub>pq</sub> as in Ref. [1] is defined
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.