A series of euroPium(Ⅱ)eomPlexes with earboxylie aeids andl,10-Phenantl飞ro-line:Eu(L):·pllen·jHoO,wl:ereL-formate,3-hydroxy-4-metlloxybenzoate,4一metl、oxybenzoate,4一ehloroPhenoxyaeetate,and diPI、enylaeetate,were synthesizedand el、araeterized by elemental analysis,UV sPeetrum,IR speetrum and melting point.IR da亡a eonfirmed tllat euroPium 15 eoordinated wirh 0 donor atoms in earboxy!ie aeidand N donor atoms inl,10一phenanthroline.A strong ligand一loealized absorption at270 nm!ed to a series of meta!一eentered emission bands between 580 and 710 nm as-signedto ~5D_0-7F_(
A series of euroPium(Ⅱ)eomPlexes with earboxylie aeids andl,10-Phenantl飞ro-line:Eu(L):·pllen·jHoO,wl:ereL-formate,3-hydroxy-4-metlloxybenzoate,4一metl、oxybenzoate,4一ehloroPhenoxyaeetate,and diPI、enylaeetate,were synthesizedand el、araeterized by elemental analysis,UV sPeetrum,IR speetrum and melting point.IR da亡a eonfirmed tllat euroPium 15 eoordinated wirh 0 donor atoms in earboxy!ie aeidand N donor atoms inl,10一phenanthroline.A strong ligand一loealized absorption at270 nm!ed to a series of meta!一eentered emission bands between 580 and 710 nm as-signedto ~5D_0-7F_(
QIAN Dong-jin and ZHANG Shu-zhen (Department of Chemistry, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100)CHEN Zhong (Department of Chemistry, Teacher s College, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, 225002)J. Van Houten(Department of Chemistry, St. Michael’s College, Winooski Park, Colchester, VT05439, U. S. A. )
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, St. Michael's College
the National Science Foundation, R11-8610679(Vermont EPSCOR), U. S. A.