This report deals with three species of Nephrotoma Meigen from Guangxi, all are new to science. The types are kept in the Insect Collections of Beijing Agricultural University. 1.Nephrotoma guangxiensis Yang et Yang, sp. nov.(fig.1) Simiar to N. aurantiocincta Alexander, but head and thorax browish covered with greyish powder, wings brownish. Holotype ♂, Guangxi: Tianlin Co., 1500m. 1982—Ⅴ—31, Li Fasheng. 2. Nephrotoma tianlinensis Yang et Yang, sp. nov. (fig.2) Body length 11 mm, forewing length 12mm. Head yellow without occipital marking. Antennae brown with scape yellow and pedicel brownish yellow. Similar to N. gamma(Brunetti), but pronotum yellow throughout. Holotype ♂, Guangxi: Tianlin Co., 1982—Ⅴ—28, Yang Ch(?)kun. 3. Nephrotoma jinxiuensis Yang et Yang, sp. nov. Body length 15mm, forewing length 12mm. Head yellow, but ventrally brown. Its rostrum also brown. Thorax brown. Similar to Naurantiocincta Alexander, but mainly different from the latter in head pattern. Holotype ♂, Guangxi: Jinxiu Co., 720m, 1982—Ⅵ—10, Li Fasheng.
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences