1.主要问题土地是由自然地理所有要素(地质、地貌、气候、土壤、植被等)组成的自然综合体,具有综合反映环境质量的特性。由于土地各组成要素在地域空间上的量值及其组合作用的差异,因而环境质量及环境治理方向也会因地域而不同。就宁夏自治区而言,大致可以划分出四大类型区:1.1 宁南黄土丘陵区以水蚀为主,水土流失严重。
Land is a compound ecolgical system. Dut to the natural unfavourable factors in thisregion, and the mankind economical activity against the natural and economical law insome aspects, the land ecological environment is leading to degeneration. The main prob-lems present as the following five aspects: ① water erosion ② wind erosion and landdesertization in desert grassland in the Central part of Ningxia. ③ Owing to the irrigationand drainage problems in the Yinchuan Plain, the salinization of land is serious. ④ Becauseof the imbalance of land ecological environment, the forest and grass vegetation in overallregion has shrinked the ⑤ the land pollutions spread from city to rural. To direct againstthe problems the main countermeasure is as the follows. The first is to strengthen themacrocontrol of land and the rational distribution of land utilization. The second is thecomprhensive control of the land erosion and the land desertification and the landsalinization actively. The third is to catch hold of the 'Three Wastes' control and to de-crease land pollution, The fourth is to make great efforts for restoration of the vegetationand to improve the land ecological environment in the region thoroughly.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
Ecologic Environment