The authors determined the situation of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons of rat adrenal gland in spinal cord with retrograde tracing HRP method, discussing the nature of 4 subnuclei of intermediolateral nucleus and the relationship between those neurons and brain stem or hypothalamus. The results were as follows: Labelled cells were observed in the spinal cords of all 11 rats in experimental group,but no labelled cells were found in 2 rats in control group. The labelled cells were observed in the spinal cord from T_1to L_1 segments,ipsilateral to the side of the injecton. The labelled neurons were mainly located in the tenth thoracic segment. The cells primarily presented in nucleus intermediolateralis thoracolumbalis pars principlis (85.12% of the total labelled cells). Cell bodies were mostly spindleshaped, distributed in group or singleness. No labelled cells were found in the medulla oblongata.
Acta Medicinae Sinica