根据氟化钠抑制血液葡萄糖分解,但使红细胞体积缩小,而草酸铵使红细胞体积膨胀的原理,设计和研究出一种氟化钠-草酸铵抗凝剂新配方(1:5.2)。经乳牛、牦牛、绵羊、猪、马和兔血液的试验表明,这种抗凝剂新配方对 PCV 无影响,又能有效地抑制血液葡萄糖分解。
According to the principle that sodium floride inhabits the decomposition ofblood glucose and causcs shrinkage of red blood cell(RBC) in volume.ammonium oxalate di-lates RBC in volume,we studied and prepared out an anticoagulant with new proportion ofsodium floride to ammonium oxalate (1:5.2).Blood experiments on cow,yak,sheep pig,bores and rabbit showed that the anticoagulant not only can effectively restrains the decom-position of blood glucose,but also has no adverse effects on the PCV.
Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences