We have made progress in medico-chemical geography as follows: the correlative law of organism with geochemical environment; the geochemico-ecological classification of chemical elements; the types of formative cause of biogeochemical provinces in China; the parabolic correlation between contents of iodine in drinking water and prevalence rate of endemic goiter; the discovery and proof of the low selenium zone in China; the successive discovery of endemic fluorosis of the types of pollution from burning coal, drinking high fluoride tea and high fluoride table salt from the year 1978; the study on chemical geography of schistosomiasis and the compilation of the Atlas of Endemic Diseases and Their Environments in the People’s Republic of China.
We have made progress in medico-chemical geography as follows: the correlative law of organism with geochemical environment; the geochemico-ecological classification of chemical elements; the types of formative cause of biogeochemical provinces in China; the parabolic correlation between contents of iodine in drinking water and prevalence rate of endemic goiter; the discovery and proof of the low selenium zone in China; the successive discovery of endemic fluorosis of the types of pollution from burning coal, drinking high fluoride tea and high fluoride table salt from the year 1978; the study on chemical geography of schistosomiasis and the compilation of the Atlas of Endemic Diseases and Their Environments in the People's Republic of China.