The purpose of this paper is to present a unified theory of several differentneural networks that have been proposed for solving various computation, pattern recog-nition, imaging, optimization, and other problems. The functioning of these networks ischaracterized by Lyapunov energy functions. The relationship between the deterministicand stochastic neural networks is examined. The simulated annealing methods for findingthe global optimum of an objective function as well as their generalization by injectingnoise into deterministic neural networks are discussed. A statistical interpretation of thedynamic evolution of the different neural networks is presented. The problem of trainingdifferent neural networks is investigated in this general framework. It is shown how thisapproach can be used not only for analyzing various neural networks, but also for the choiceof the proper neural network for solving any given problem and the design of a trainingalgorithm for the particular neural network.
The purpose of this paper is to present a unified theory of several differentneural networks that have been proposed for solving various computation, pattern recog-nition, imaging, optimization, and other problems. The functioning of these networks ischaracterized by Lyapunov energy functions. The relationship between the deterministicand stochastic neural networks is examined. The simulated annealing methods for findingthe global optimum of an objective function as well as their generalization by injectingnoise into deterministic neural networks are discussed. A statistical interpretation of thedynamic evolution of the different neural networks is presented. The problem of trainingdifferent neural networks is investigated in this general framework. It is shown how thisapproach can be used not only for analyzing various neural networks, but also for the choiceof the proper neural network for solving any given problem and the design of a trainingalgorithm for the particular neural network.
This work was supported in part by Tehran University grant number 708.