家具生产是楚国手工业的重要组成部分,也是楚人社会活动的一个主要方面。建国以来,楚国家具先后出土,这些设计新颖、制作精良、造型优美、精美绝伦的稀世之宝,显示着楚国手工业技艺的光辉成就。本文试对楚国家具的种类与用途,制作技艺作一初步探讨。 一、楚国家具的种类与用途 家具一词。
Author explored Chu kingdom furniture's kind,use and producing technology in this article. And author pointed out that Chu kingdom furniture is not only much kind but also design in a novel style,producing in graceful and modelling well. It is an useful furniture and treasured object,too. It shows us Chu kinddom carpenters wisdom and creation strength. This is a splendid achievement at our ancient furniture development history.
Cultural Relics in Southern China