
评文坛健将 传企业闻人——评安文江、余锋《周颖南评传》

Commenting on a Master of Literature & Biographizing a Famous Man of Enterprise On An Wenjiang and Xu Feng's“CriticalBiography of Zhou Yingnan”
摘要 《周颖南评传》是国内第一部关于东南业华裔文艺家的长篇专著,是一部有着深厚历史感的带研究性的专著,具有深层可读性。《评传》不仅材料翔实,内容丰富,观点鲜明,气度非凡,而且有着富有新意的阐发研究对象个性的光彩独异处,给人以深刻的启示。《评传》的著作者以周先生的文化活动为主要切入口,巧妙地把注意力集中在“文坛”与“企业”两个世界的交汇处和结合点上,致力于挖掘它们之间的互渗与重构,从历史性展开和动态发展的流程中实现对周颖南人生本真状态的整体观照,揭示其必然要求与作家价值取向相契合的轨迹。著作者在《评传》的组织结构上也独辟蹊径,拨冗去繁,探究底蕴,使著作的布局纵横交叉、有点有面,多重分合、错落有致。 “Critical Biography of Zhou Yingnan” is the first long monograph on Southest Asian Chinese Writer. It is a monograph of study with a deep historic meaning and readability. The 'Critical Biography' gives readers profound enlightenment because of its full, accurats materials, distinct viewpoint, unusual bearing and new unique points of elucidating the individuality of the object of study . Proceeding form Mr. Zhou's Literary activities , the author of the 'Critical Biography' ingeniously concentrates on the juncture of the two worlds of literture and enterprise, trying to tap their mutual infiltration and overlapping components, From the process of the historic layout and dynamic development, the author realizes a whole look on the nature of Zhou Yingnan's Life , and reveals the track of the mutual correspondence between the historic inexorable demand and thewriter's value—taking. In the organization of the 'Critical Biography', the author develeped a new style of being simple but detailed in order to make the monograph well organized with reasonble intersection in depth and width , providing the Stressed topics and sufficient evidence.
作者 戴发惠
出处 《佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》 1993年第1期22-27,共6页 Journal of Foshan University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 周颖南 评传 评述 Zhou Yingnan, Critical Biography, Comment
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