The geological occurrence, petrological, mineralogical and thermodynamic characteristics of eclogites of two different geneses from Qinglongshan, Donghai, North Jiangsu and Suoluoshu, Rizhao, South Shandong are studied in detail. Based on the mineral assemblages and their relationship, the Qinglongshan eclogite occurring in biotite plagioclase gneiss shows three metamorphic stages; Ec (Ⅰ)—premetamorphic stage of eclgite facies: it is proved by the early formed residual inclusions in garnet and omphacite formed in the main metamorphic stage; Ec (Ⅱ)—main metamorphic stage of eclgite facies: it is proved by the typical assemblage of garnet and omphacite; Ec (Ⅲ)—retrograde metamorphic stage of eclogite facies: the retrograde metamorphism is proved by some evidence (eg. garet was replaced by chlorite; omphacite was decomposed into amphibole, plagioclase and quartz, etc.). On the basis of relations among minerals, the Suoluoshu eclogite occurring in ultrabasic rocks also shows three metamorphic stages: Ec (Ⅰ)—top metamorphic stage of eclogite facies: it is proved by mineral inclusions existing in garnet and clinopyroxene which were formed in normal metamorphic stage with garnet inclusions mainly in clinopyroxene; Ec (Ⅱ)—normal metamorphic stage of eclogite facies: it is proved by mineral assemblages of garnet,diopside and rutile,etc.;Ec(Ⅲ)—symplektitc stage: it is the result of retrograde metamorphism. The main mineral assemblage is fine-grained garnet aggregate, plagioclase, chlorite, epidote, etc.. P-T paths of two different eclogites are obtained through analysis of mineral assemblages according to geothermometer and geobarometer. The paths indicate that the history of eclogites in the studied area underwent collision in early stage and elevation in later stage along with South Shandong uplift. Therefore, it is proved that the South Shandong uplift and the Dabie orogenic belt result from contemporaneous collision orogeny.
Geology of Anhui
eclogites of different geneses
North Jiangsu-South Shandong uplift