对甘草属植物的长荚果系的8个种和4个变种,采用聚丙烯酸胺凝胶电泳法,分析它们过氧化物酶同工酶的变化,结果表明:甘草属内的每个种具有明显的酶谱差异,有它们自己的特征酶带。从酶带谱的相似度指数来看,12G.glabra,12aG.glabra L.var.Rlandulis,12bG.glabra,5G.xhiheziensis,6G.eurycarpa,6aG.eurycarpa,9G.Korshinskyi,10aG.shiheziuralensis的相似度指数较高,它们的亲缘关系较为密切,而7G.alalensis,10G.uralensis的相似度指数较低,亲缘关系较远。
The peroxidase-isozymes of 8 species and 4 Varieties of Glycyrrhiza longilegumata X. Y. Li have been comparatively studied by means of polyarcylamide gel electrophoresis. The interspecific zy-mogramatic differences are obvious: each species possesses its specific zymograms, distinguishable from the other, by means of the zymogramatic inder of similarity among these species, were analyed. They may be grouped in turn into two categories 12G. glabra, 12aG. glabra L. Var. Rlandulis, 12bG. glabra, 5G. shiheziensis, 6G. eurycarpa, 6aG. eurycapa , 9G. Korshinskyi, 10aG. shiheziuralensis into one Category, there is a high inder of similarity and the relationship among these species were closes. the second Category Contains, 7G. alalensis, 10G. uralensis, these species relationship were farther.
Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)