西洋参 Panax quinquefolium Linn,亦称洋参,性寒凉、味甘苦,入肺、胃二经,是养阴生津、清热补血、滋补强壮名特药材之一。原产美国、加拿大,近年我国引栽成功,产量日增。但国产洋参体形多类人参长条直型,少似鸡爪(分叉)短胖丁型。目前医患人员厌长喜短,长枝洋参价低,且有滞销趋势。我们试从微量元素含量上,研究长、短枝洋参之异同,意为评价它们的品质、药效,为扩大生产、销售提供科学数据。
The samples of Panax qninquefolium Linn(PqL)were determined with AAS, polarography and fluoromctry methods.The results showed that the total contents of 13 essential elements in the long branch PqL are all higher than those in the short branch PqL and the essential elements contents of Jian's PqL are higher than those of Zh(?)ojia's PqL.The contents of two harmful trace elements,which are up or down,but both are far less than the toxic dosage The total contents of elements determined in the long branch and short branch PqL are following order:main root(fibrous root)rhizoma.
Studies of Trace Elements and Health