An isomorphism preserving Hamming distance between two algebraic geometry(AG)codes is presented to obtain the main parameters of Justesen’s algebraic geometry(JAG)codes.To deduce a simple approach to the decoding algorithm,a code word in a“small”JAG codeis used to correspond to error-locator polynomial.By this means,a simple decoding procedureand its ability of error correcting are explored obviously.The lower and upper bounds of thedimension of AG codes are also obtained.
An isomorphism preserving Hamming distance between two algebraic geometry (AG)codes is presented to obtain the main parameters of Justesen's algebraic geometry(JAG) codes.To deduce a simple approach to the decoding algorithm,a code word in a“small”JAG code is used to correspond to error-locator polynomial.By this means,a simple decoding procedure and its ability of error correcting are explored obviously.The lower and upper bounds of the dimension of AG codes are also obtained.