The dispersion characteristics of a circular dielectric waveguide with periodic metal-lic strips are analyzed by the Galerkin’s method.After obtaining the rigorous dispersion equation,the dispersion curves for both TE<sub>01</sub>and TM<sub>01</sub>modes are calculated by the improved Newton’smethod.The variations of the normalized center frequency,width and maximum attenuation con-stant of the stopband with the normalized width of the metallic strips are given.The convergenceproperties of numerical solutions are also discussed.On the basis of the analysis,some usefulguidelines for filter design are thereby suggested.
The dispersion characteristics of a circular dielectric waveguide with periodic metal- lic strips are analyzed by the Galerkin's method.After obtaining the rigorous dispersion equation, the dispersion curves for both TE_(01)and TM_(01)modes are calculated by the improved Newton's method.The variations of the normalized center frequency,width and maximum attenuation con- stant of the stopband with the normalized width of the metallic strips are given.The convergence properties of numerical solutions are also discussed.On the basis of the analysis,some useful guidelines for filter design are thereby suggested.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Foundation of State Education Commission.