1990~1991年观察分析了以 HPGMR(Hubei Photoperiodsensitive Genic Male-sterileRice)农垦58S 转育的8个籼型光(温)敏核不育系及其相互杂交 F_1,以及部分组合 F_2,BC_1F_1在武汉自然长光照下或遮光短日照下的育性表现。结果表明,籼型光敏核不育系 W7415S、32001S、3403S、T09S、8902S 和8912S 的光敏不育基因座位相同,推论其光敏不育基因均来源于农垦58S,并且相互间存在修饰基因的差异;而温敏型核不育系 W6154S 与光敏型核不育系 W7415S 等的不育基因座位不相同,推测农垦58S 的光敏不育基因可能没有导入 W6154S 中去;温敏型核不育系 W6154S 和温敏型核不育系8801S 的不育基因座位也不相同,这两个温敏核不育系可能具有不同的遗传基础。
The fertility of F_1 of all crosses,BC_1F_1,F_2 of partial crosses between photoperiod(thermo)- sensitive genie male sterile(PGMS or TGMS)lines derived from HPGMR(Hubei Photoperiod-sensitive Genie Male-Sterile Rice)Nongken58s was analyzed under long-day and short-day conditions respectively in Wuhan during 1990 to 1991,based on percentage of sterile pollen and bagged seed setting rate.Results indi- cated that the sterility genes of PGMS lines(including W7415S,32001S,3403S,T09S,8902S and 8912S) were allelic and were believed to have come from Nongken 58S,although each line may have different minor modifiers.On the other hand,the sterility genes of TGMS line W6154S were nonallelic with those of the PGMS lines,suggesting that the sterility genes of Nongken 58S were not transferred into W6154S.In addi- tion,the sterility genes of W6154S were also different from that of 8801S,another TGMS line,indicating that the thermo-sensitive male sterility of both TGMS lines may be controlled by distinctive genetic constitu- tion.
Journal of China Agricultural University