本文报道利用体细胞诱变技术选育温光敏不育新种质的方法以及对所选出的不育新种质的特征特性进行研究的初步结果。结果表明:①利用细胞诱变技术可选育出新的温光敏不育新种质,②所选出的不育新种质金新1S 的不育特性主要受温度调节,在福州地区,7月下旬至8月下旬期间抽穗的,不育率几乎达100%,可用于制种;不育性由1对隐性核基因决定,遗传简单,且不受胞质影响,易于转育和配组;开颖角度大,柱头外露率达100%,对制种十分有利;米质好,利于选配优质组合。
It was reported that a method for obtaining new thermo-and photosensitive Genic Male-sterile Germplasm(TPGMG)by biological technique and the result for studying on one of the new Germplasms pro- duing from the new method.The results showed that:a.the method of somatic mutation can be used for produing new TPGMG;b.the new one TPGMG-Jinxin IS,which was produced by the new method,has much good charateric that the male-sterile expresses was determined by temperature in main,of which sterile rate reach 100% in flowering during the last ten-day period of July to the last ten-day period of August,and the male-sterile inheritance was governed by one pair of recessive genes that does not affected by cytoplasm, and the glume opening was a larger angle and its stigma was exserated,and its grain quality was very good with which the good hybrid rice can selected.
Journal of China Agricultural University