用100μg/L 2,1-I)处理开花9~12d的草莓幼果。组化分析发现其细胞ATPase活性明显提高,经生物统计分析后证明这种提高24h内都有效,生化测定ATPase活性提高103%以上,并被质膜ATPase抑制剂所抑制。观察冰冻切片和石蜡切片,细胞有明显变化;1个月后,统计成熟的果实,处理过的较对照畸形果率降低27%,而且果实较大。
Nine-to twelve-day-flowering strawberry fruits were treated with 100 g/L 2, 4-D. His-tochemistry analysis showed the ATPase activity increased evidently and biostatistics indi-cated this increase was still carrying on at least in period of 24 hours following 2, 4-Dtreatment. With the measurement of biochemical indexes, the ATPase activity increased103% and was inhibited by inhibitor of ATPase. From observation of freezing and steatitesection, the shape of cell changed greatly. After one month of 2, 4-D treatment abnormalfruit was 27% lower than that of CK treatment and the former is also bigger by statisticalanalysis of mature fruits.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition