
四川省12489例0~14岁儿童先天畸形流行病学调查 被引量:3

Epidemiological Survey of Congenital Malformation in Children Aged 0-14 in Sichuan Province.
摘要 先天畸形是造成儿童身心残疾的主要原因之一,直接影响儿童素质。我们对四川省12489例0~14岁儿童先天畸形的发生率及其分布作了调查。其中先天畸形儿童181例,患病率14.49‰,城乡加权率为14.85‰;调查城市儿童6286例,先天畸形儿童86例,患病率13.68‰;农村儿童6203例,先天畸形儿童95例,患病率15.32‰,二者患病率无显著性差异。从性别分析男性儿童6548例,先天畸形111例,患病率16.95‰;女性儿童5911例,先天畸形70例,患病率为11.78‰。男女患病率比较有显著性差异。先天畸形患儿患病率与父母婚配有重要关系。先天畸形与智力低下也有显著关系。 Congenital malformation is one of the main tactors causing physical and mental retardation in children. In our survey of retarded children aged 0-14, we studied the incidence and distribution of congenital malformation in children aged 0-14. A total of 12,489 in urban and rural areas in Sichuan Province were scanned, among which 181 congenital malformation children were observed with an incidence of 14.49 per thousand and a weighted incidence of 14.85 per thousand; among the 6, 286 urban children scanned, 86 cases were diagnosed as congenital malformation with an incidence of 13.68 per thousand and in 6,203 rural children, 95 cases were congenital malformation with an incidence of 15.32 per thousand. No significance was found between the two incidences. In gender difference, 111 congenital malformation were found in 6,548 male with an incidence of 16.95 per thousand and 70 in 5,941 female with an incidence of 11.78 per thousand and the difference between male and female was rather significant. We also found that the incidence was important in relation to the marriage of the parents. The incidence of malformation among children, whose parents were close relatives, was 34.48 per thou-sand and that of children whose parents were not close relatives was 14.24 per thousand. The difference between the two was significant. We also found that there was very significant difference between congenital malformation children and retarded children. In the urban and rural areas in Sichuan Province, the incidence of mental retardation in children with congenital malformation was 9.94% and that in children without congenital malfotmation was 0.98%. The results showed that congenital malformation could also be accompanied with mental retarda-tion.
出处 《中国计划生育学杂志》 1993年第4期204-205,255,共3页 Chinese Journal of Family Planning
关键词 流行病学 先天畸形 智力低下 Epidemiology Congenital malformation Mental retardation
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