作者采用多聚酶链反应(PCR)和丙型肝炎抗体诊断(EIA)技术对30例单采浆献血员进行血清 HCV RNA、抗-HCV 同步检测,结果显示:①献血员抗-HCV 阳性率(50%)较 HCVRNA 阳性率(33%)高;②在抗-HCV 阳性标本中,OD 值在1.0以止者,HCV RNA 阳性率为86%,OD 值在0.99以下者 HCV RNA 阳性率为25%;③抗-HCV 阴性标本中 PCR 阳性率为22%;该研究表明在 EIA 检测基础上进行 PCR 测定,即节约 PCR 试剂,又可最大限度地阻断输血后丙型肝炎病毒的传播。
30 donors were investigeted for serum anti-HCV using EIA kit and compared the result with serum HCV RNA by PCR method showed:①The positive rate of serum anti-HCV test using EIA kit was50%(15/30)and HCV RNA by PCR was 30%(10/30).②The fitness of the positive result by EIA and PCR was 53%(8/15).The negative cases by EIA had 78%(7/9)PCR negative.③6 cases of the positive by PCR test was comfirmed from 7 case of the positive(OD>1.0)EIA test,The fitness was 86%(6/7).④9 negative cases using EIA had 2 positive cases by PCR.The experiment also showed:The PCR test is more precise and can be used for early HCV detection and further confirmantion when the OD<1.0 based on the anti-HCV positive test.Anti-HCV and HCV RNA test can rick out donor who have been infected by HCV and prevent HCV spreading by blood transition.
Henan Medical Research