本文报告巨细胞胶质母细胞瘤13例,占同期 CNS 肿瘤的0.76%。组织起源一直存在分歧,WHO 不得不保留双重分类。作者通过光镜、电镜、免疫组化技术(GFAP,NSE),证实了肿瘤为胶质起源。本瘤好发于年青人大脑半球表浅部位,肿瘤界限清楚,常伴囊腔形成.不同于一般胶质瘤,光镜下多数瘤细胞巨大奇异,最大者达1000μm,瘤内有丰富的网状纤维,伴淋巴细胞浸润及淋巴细胞伸入运动。本瘤较多形性胶质母细胞瘤预后好。作者强调,快速病理切片中正确的组织学诊断对外科医师成功地全切除肿瘤、提高存活率至关重要.
Gigantocellular glioblastomas are relatively rare tumors of the CNS.It was encountered in 0.76% of a series of 1721 patients undergoing biopsy for CNS tumors.We evaluated the clinical,pathological, pathological,eletron microscopical and immunohistochemical features.The authors noted that the presence of a rich lymphocytic infiltration was often associated with the dominating giant monstrous cells.We conclude that this tumor is a peculiar oneotype with a probably better prognosis than glioblastoma multiform in the majority of cases.Lymphoeytes seem to play a major prognostic role.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates