
胸腺瘤伴重症肌无力患者胸腺微环境研究 被引量:1

Thymic microenvironment in myasthenia gravis-associated thymomas
摘要 对10例胸腺瘤伴重症肌无力(MG)患者胸腺微环境行前瞻性对比观察。结果显示光镜下组织学分类均为皮质型胸腺瘤伴不同程度的浸润。超微结构改变以Ⅰ,Ⅱ型上皮细胞校增大、胞浆分泌颗粒增多为主。免疫组化 S-100标记阳性为髓质内散在的指突状细胞(IDC),皮、髓质上皮 CK 强阳性,髓质胸腺小体周围上皮EMA 阳性,珠心阴性,包膜下-血管旁上皮胸腺小体 CEA 强阳性。提示胸腺瘤本质是异质性上皮细胞性肿瘤。 The thymic microenvironment in 10 patients of myasthenia gravis associated thymomas were studied prespectively by light and electron microscope,as well as immunohistochemisty.Based on the ultrastructure and phonotypes of the neoplastic epithelial cells in comparison with 10 normal thymuses, the heterogeneous of epithelia among thymomas was confirmed in all of them.A new method classifies these tumors as being subcapsular-perivascular,cortical,medullary or mixed.This classification appears to have prognostic significance.
出处 《医学研究生学报》 CAS 1993年第4期293-295,2,共4页 Journal of Medical Postgraduates
关键词 胸腺瘤 重症肌无力 胸腺微环境 超微结构 免疫组织化学 thymoma myasthenia gravis thymic microenvironment uitrastructure immunohistochemisty
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