A method for simultaneously analyzing altemariol(AOH), altemariol monomethyl ether (AME) and zearalenone(ZEA) by particle beam LC/MS was established, LC separation was accompiished with a solvent system of methanol and water (80:20 v/v). The followed particle beam LC/MS analysis gave searchable spectra of AOH. AME and ZEA. Application of this technique to analysis of an alternaria culture confirmed the presence of AOH and AME.
A method for simultaneously analyzing altemariol(AOH), altemariol monomethyl ether (AME) and zearalenone(ZEA) by particle beam LC/MS was established, LC separation was accompiished with a solvent system of methanol and water (80:20 v/v). The followed particle beam LC/MS analysis gave searchable spectra of AOH. AME and ZEA. Application of this technique to analysis of an alternaria culture confirmed the presence of AOH and AME.